What is the New England Association of Schools and Colleges?

Easily the smallest regional accreditation body in terms of both the number of states it covers and the geographic area within its boundaries, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges is directly associated with the accreditation of universities, vocational education programs, primary schools, and secondary schools. The New England Association of Schools and Colleges is one of the regional accreditation bodies recognized by the United States Department of Education, and that means its seal of approval grants schools and students access to federal financial aid programs as well as a guaranteed level of academic rigor and prestige. When choosing a college, it is important to choose one that is accredited.  Like all regional entities, the association is divided into two separate areas based on the type of institution being reviewed.

Covering the Six-State New England Region of the Country

The New England Association of Schools and Colleges covers strictly the New England area, and is not nearly as broad as the North Central, Western, or Southeastern Associations that govern other parts of the country. Its six states include the following:

– Connecticut
– Maine
– Massachusetts
– New Hampshire
– Rhode Island
– Vermont

Though small, this area does contain some of the country’s best private and public schools at the primary and secondary level, and it includes some of the country’s oldest colleges and universities. Of those, many are Ivy League and many others are among the top 10 non-Ivy universities anywhere in the United States.

Commission on Public Secondary Schools

High schools in the New England region of the country are governed by the association’s Commission on Public Secondary Schools, which is instrumental when certifying the academic rigor of programs leading to college or career work. The Department of Education enforces its own regulations and policy priorities through the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, and any school that fails to meet such standards will generally have to retool programs and prove alignment with federal requirements in order to maintain their accreditation.

Though the region is geographically small, this accreditation commission for primary and secondary schools currently oversees 641 accredited institutions at this level. That’s a pretty impressive number for such a small number of states.

Higher Education Accreditation Comes Through Several Commissions

The New England Association of Schools and Colleges is the official accreditation seal for public universities throughout the six-state New England region of the country. For other colleges and universities, the association breaks accreditation down according to the school’s status as an independent institution or as an international one. The two commissions are:

The Commission on Independent Schools

With 615 members throughout New England and in Canada, this is the largest commission on higher education within New England. It serves the large number of private colleges and universities located throughout the region.

The Commission on American and International Schools Abroad

Nearly 200 schools fall into this commission’s oversight, all located abroad. The NEASC accredits both international campuses of American universities, and international universities that serve Americans overseas.

Broad Reach for a Geographically Small Accreditation Body

With accreditation services that span the boundaries of six states, include several schools within Canada, and extend to nearly 200 campuses abroad, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges is central to high school and collegiate education throughout the United States and much of the world.